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CONGRATULATIONS to Flight Sergeant Andy Halliwell who was awarded the Jack Holt Memorial Trophy by the President of the Cranwellian Association and former Chief of the Air Staff Sir Michael Graydon.  

The Jack Holt Memorial Trophy is an engraved pace stick awarded to the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) engaged in Modular Initial Officer training, considered by the Royal Air Force College to have done most to induce in the cadets the qualities needed in an officer in the Royal Air Force.  The award itself is endorsed and sponsored by the Cranwellian Association to commemorate the selfless commitment toward the training of the Officer Cadet Body by Flight Sergeant Jack Holt.

Sir Michael Graydon, President of the Cranwellian Association said:

“Jack Holt was an iconic figure to generations of Cranwell cadets.  I see the same characteristics today in those who receive the Jack Holt award.  Long may that continue”.

Flight Lieutenant Ben Brown, from the RAF Officer Training Academy said:

“Engage, Empower and Enrich – is the Royal Air Force Officer Training Academy’s key elements of  Learning Philosophy and underpin the delivery of Phase 1 Trg. Flight Sergeant Halliwell fulfilled every single aspect of this vision. Flight Sergeant Halliwell is the embodiment of what a Phase 1 instructor should strive to be, a credit to the Academy, the College and the Royal Air Force”. 

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 by Cranwellian Association. Charity no. 1162454.  Patron, His Majesty King Charles III

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